Lintberg Index follows 2012 pattern
By Thomas Verbeeck, Managing Director Lintberg
The Lintberg Index, representing a candidate’s chances in the top segment of the labour market, increased by seven points in September, to reach a final score of 74 index points. This is the highest number since November of 2012. As can be seen in the graph the index follows a similar pattern as in 2012, with the peak in November.
The rise in September originates in a shorter recruitment period. The number of new published positions saw a 25% increase as opposed to August, which is typical for the after-holiday period. The number of new jobs posted at Lintberg is expected to be even higher in October.
The Lintberg Index indicates the monthly changing chances for candidates of finding a new position in the top of the labor market. The weighed index takes into calculation the number of outstanding job opportunities, newly published positions, the duration of the recruiting period and the total amount of applications for 100k+ positions, based on data provided by Lintberg.